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Fernhollow halflings, or "Kender" as they call themselves, were native to the southern forests of Thessan. They were generally very concerned (some might say obsessed) with guarding family and village from outside influence and only interacted with the greater Thessan governments when forced to. They do not experience as much wanderlust as other halflings and in fact, treat Crimbury halflings with the same distrust as any other race. Despite being just as jovial as other halflings, their style of humour often goes unappreciated by other races. This generally gives others the impression that Kender are awkward or offputting.

Kender were very elusive and were generally isolated from the outside world, with the largest exception being the Forest Folk of Yod, with whom they commonly allied against the short-tooth orcs of Gin'oth. They lived in a single widespread village they called Varenhol, or "Fernhollow" built into the gullies across the duchy of Veninglach. Those who left the clan often carried a token of some important natural feature in their home, such as a stone or a vial of water from a stream. Losing one's token was considered a loss of their heritage and required that they travel back to their home to accept another. While the Perian value the experience of travel and the sight of new lands and peoples, the Kender are a more set in their ways and traditions. Despite their savage appearance, they build to last, breed animals, and fiercely defend their homelands against threats that their Perian kin would simply flee. Humans familiar with the easygoing ways of the Crimbury halflings are surprised to learn that some halflings are capable of such a strong warrior tradition and aren't afraid to show a hint of arrogance or confidence in their own abilities and strengths. Kender enjoy athletic contest and value exceptional skills of all kinds.

Kender have a very secretive culture and rarely speak of their religious practices, although druids are common among their communities and they tend to favour animistic totems of various kinds.

Kender are known to ride giant rabbits and have bred the Kender Hare specifically for this purpose.

3.5e Stats[]

In addition to the base stats for Halflings.

  • -2 Cha
  • Lack of Focus (Ex): Kender have a −4 racial penalty on Concentration checks. Kender don't necessarily lack magical talent, but their general lack of focus discourages them from pursuing careers in magic.
  • +2 racial bonus on Open Locks, Sleight of Hand, and Knowledge Nature checks. All kender have an instinctive curiosity to discover what lies behind closed doors and inside pockets. Kender can use these three abilities as though they were trained, even if they have 0 ranks in the skills. These skills are always class skills for you, regardless of class.
  • +2 racial bonus on Listen checks.
  • Fearlessness (Ex): Immunity to fear and fear effects, magical or otherwise, inlcuding shaken, frightened, and panicked. Kender fear nothing, instead, they are curious about everything (and about any enemy creature), which can often lead them into trouble.
  • Favored Class: Ranger.

5e Stats[]

In addition to the base stats for Halflings.

  • Oral Tradition: You are proficient in one of the following skills: History, Nature, or Religion. You have an advantage on Intelligence checks for your chosen skill.
  • Fearlessness (Ex): Kender are even more fearless than other Halflings and can't be frightened.